Monday, March 17, 2014

Attention All You Plant Lovers....

Updated list of Plants in Stock Now…

Here is an updated list of all the new plants that we have gotten in the last week. We are really geared up with getting the plants ready for this springs plantings.

We know that you are just like us and really ready for spring to be here, to be out working in our yards making our garden’s look great. We are soooooo ready for the spring weather. As our plants near the point of being able to purchase them we are striving to make sure that everything is ready in two weeks.

As we look at the upcoming weather forecast it looks like the first week of April and you can be out planting. We will keep you informed if anything changes.

All the best,


Here’s the list….

·       Begonias, several different varieties and colors
·       Dahlia’s colors of pink, purple, and red
·        Lobelia techno two shades of blue, violets and fire and ice
·       Geraniums, we have over 20 varieties and colors
·        Pentas, in red and violet
·       Lantana, confetti, dallas red, jorrida, new gold, Mexican feather
·       Bidens, Goldilocks
·       Bracteaantha, golden beauty. Also known as Strawflower
·       Coleus, three different varieties
·       Diascia, coral, little charmer
·       Evolvulus, blue my mind. Also known as Blue Daze
·       Ipomoea, margarita. Also known as Sweet potato vine
·       Nemesia, cranberry
·       Petunia, vista bubblegum
·       Scevola, new wonder. Also known as Blue Fan Flower
·       Angelonia, purple, raspberry, white
·        Zinnia, red, yellow, cherry, orange, white and dbl cherry 
·        Kwik combo Bandana lemon meringue mix
·        Kwik combo Callie citrus fire mix
·        Kwik combo Callie color wheel mix
·        Kwik combo Callie pink bliss mix
·        Kwik combo Carita  summer berry blast mix
·        Kwik combo plum tastic mix

Link to kwik combo mixes. We thought that we would share this link with you so that you can see these great new plants. There are so many of them but this link will give you just an over view of what they are like…

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