Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Our Amazing Greenhouse...

The Greenhouse is filled to the MAX…
So with spring fast approaching we our greenhouse is filling up fast. Right now we are still looking at least another 2 ½ to 3 weeks before everything is ready to be planted out in your yard, but not the less we are filled full with plants.

For all you plant lovers, here is a list of the plants that we have in stock now. We will keep you informed as to when you can start planting. And always remember if you need any assistance with your plants or plantings please give us a call and we will be more than happy to help you with your questions. Our Horticulturist is always available with a vast knowledge of growing issues that you might have.

I’m throwing in a few pictures of the greenhouses so that you can see how full we are and then I will list everything that we have in stock. Remember folks we have over 30,000 thousand square feet of greenhouses... Stop in and see them if you haven't ever been in before.
Here’s the list….
·       Begonias, several different varieties and colors
·       Dahlia’s colors of pink, purple, and red
·       Kwick plum–tastic mix
·       Lobelia techno two shades of blue, violets and fire and ice
·       Geraniums, we have over 20 varieties and colors
·        Pentas, in red and violet
·       Lantana, confetti, dallas red, jorrida, new gold, Mexican feather
·       Bidens, Goldilocks
·       Bracteaantha, golden beauty. Also known as Strawflower
·       Coleus, three different varieties
·       Diascia, coral, little charmer
·       Evolvulus, blue my mind. Also known as Blue Daze
·       Ipomoea, margarita. Also known as Sweet potato vine
·       Nemesia, cranberry
·       Petunia, vista bubblegum
·       Scevola, new wonder. Also known as Blue Fan Flower
·       Angelonia, purple, raspberry, white
·       Zinnia, red, yellow, cherry, orange, white and dbl cherry 
We hope to see you in our greenhouses soon… Remember Morrison Floral Company is located at 4801 N Meridian, just two blocks south of 50th and Meridian.
Morrison Floral Company
4801 N Meridian
Oklahoma City, Ok, 73112

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